1 Hour to RN Interview Confidence Digital Course

An accelerated course to achieve interview confidence quickly - so you're ready even if you're nervous and tight on time

Interview anxiety?

I get it. We've all been there. Most people dread interviews. 

And how could you not? It's stressful. Especially when a job you want is on the line. The last thing you want is to find yourself blanking on what to say. Or rambling on with no idea how to stop...

That's why I created this course!

The RN interview is so important. This is an industry where you're up against other candidates with the same letters after their name - and similar education and qualifications.

How can you stand apart and snag that job offer?

By nailing your interview.


My RN interview course walks you through the common nursing interview questions you're bound to encounter during your interviews.

I teach you how to structure your responses, so you have the framework to fill in your own examples effectively. 

I also give you examples of what to say...and what NOT to say. 

Instead of dreading your RN interview, imagine feeling more confident? Knowing how to articulate your strengths, qualities, and experiences. Seeing the interviewer nod their head and smile as you clearly communicate your responses?

I'm a master's prepared nurse manager with 7+ years of leadership experience. I've worked on adult and pediatric units- and I interview new and experienced RN's all the time! 

This has given me lots of valuable insight into what makes an interview go well...and one that costs you the job.

I know what hiring managers are looking for. And I can help you tailor your responses to show what a great candidate YOU are.

Benefits of this course:

  • Bite-sized video modules where you can hear example interview answers

  • A workbook to formulate your own interview responses and take notes as you go

  • Example template that shares exactly what to say in a follow-up email (including an example of a 'checking in' email so you can reach out and connect when you're hearing crickets!)

  • It's dense with information, but also quick! It gets you up to speed in just an hour. I know you don't have time to weed through hours of modules (and then still practice!) This is no-fluff, to-the -point course.

  • Continued access so you can refer back to refresh before future interviews.

I've had the pleasure of coaching lots of RNs prior to their interviews. Here's what some of them have to say:




Now is the best time to grab this resource. This is the lowest price it will ever be! Over time, I will be refining and adding value to this course.

I'll be taking your feedback and adding additional thoughts and modules. And through this all you'll have continued access!

Is it worth it? 

The price of this course is currently about 1/4 of the work of a 12 hour RN shift! I'd say that's a no-brainer investment. Especially if it gets you earning quicker!


P.S. To reiterate - this isn't a course that just talks about interview skills with surface level tips. I literally go over the most common nursing interview questions and tell you how to answer them! It doesn't get any clearer than that!


What People are Saying About This Course:

I interviewed for a residency program on Monday 1/10 and heard back before people who had interview 1/7 showing just how good your interview prep was!! Just wanted to write you and let you know how much I appreciate you taking the time to make the handbook, the videos and give amazing examples of how you answer the variety of nursing questions we may see in interviews! It was so helpful especially as a new grad nurse not knowing how to put together things I’ve seen in real life and tailor it to nursing but your course helped me so much. THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME LAND MY DREAM JOB! I didn’t ever think I would get the residency I wanted and I left my interview feelings so confident and if I had just had a normal conversation because I had seen all the prompts before because of this course. 10/10 worth buying this!!!! It was so quick and made me sit down and work through my responses and within 1 hour I was done with interview prep. It was so helpful I raved about it to all of my friends!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! X100000 Sincerely, Your newest peds nurse!!!

Emma - New Grad RN

$97.00 USD

Due to the digital nature of the course, we do not offer cancellations or refunds on any course purchase made from New Nurse Support.

I understand that while this course is intended to help me in my interview, there is not a guarantee that I will be offered the job, or any future job I interview for. I will not hold New Nurse Support liable for my ability or inability to secure future employment in any capacity. 

If you have any questions or problems, please let us know by contacting us directly at: [email protected]

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